Evidence Synthesis Ireland

Bite-size learning

ESI and Cochrane Crowd have worked together to develop new educational resources.

These are designed for patients, the public, healthcare professionals, students and more, who want to learn about systematic reviews and the main steps involved in producing a review. These modules can be used in teaching and for public and patient involvement – they are free to use, just credit us and let us know that you are using them*.

By better understanding what trusted healthcare evidence is, we can make better healthcare decisions.

Below, you will find the modules for “Key Steps in a Systematic Review”. These modules were co-produced by Cochrane Crowd, Cochrane Ireland and PPI Partner Theresa Tierney.

*A systematic review is a type of evidence synthesis that brings together information from multiple studies to help answer a clear question. It uses systematic and specific methods to identify, select and quality assess included studies, followed by the collection and analysis of information. Learn more with this video

We also co-developed “Study Design for Complete Beginners” which you can access at: https://crowd.cochrane.org

Key Steps in a Systematic Review