Evidence Synthesis Ireland (ESI), which hosts Cochrane Ireland, aims to make evidence syntheses more usable in every sense of the word – better designed, conducted and reported, more useable for decision-makers and more usable within health care policy and clinical practice decision making across the island of Ireland and beyond.
We provide education for researchers, clinicians, the public and policymakers who conduct or use evidence syntheses.
We build capacity in planning, doing and sharing evidence syntheses through Fellowships, workshops and scholarships.
We advance the way we plan, do and share the results of evidence synthesis by finding out how to do these steps better.
september 2024
To register, click here In this webinar, Annie and Alecia will describe how they designed, recruited and supported a consumer / lived experience engagement approach for
To register, click here
In this webinar, Annie and Alecia will describe how they designed, recruited and supported a consumer / lived experience engagement approach for the Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal care (LEAPP) guidelines. Together they operationalized what ‘diversity’ meant for these guidelines, and selected a 16-member Consumer Panel with a diversity of pregnancy and postnatal experiences, consumer representative experience and that reflects key demographic groups relevant to the guidelines. They will describe the practical steps they took to reduce the barriers to participation and create an inclusive and impactful consumer engagement approach.
Dr Annie Synnot is a Senior Research Fellow at Monash University, and the Consumer Engagement Lead for the Australian Living Evidence Collaboration and the Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal care (LEAPP) guidelines. She researchers how consumers / people with lived experience can be partners in the production, dissemination and use of evidence, particularly living guidelines.
Alecia Staines founded Australia’s leading maternity consumer organisation, Maternity Consumer Network. She is involved with policy development at State and National level including national maternity strategy, Rural Maternity Taskforce, Queensland Birth Strategy, Medicare for Midwives and Publicly Funded Homebirth. She mentors other consumers to engage with their local maternity services and politicians to achieve access to better maternity services and achieve woman-centred care. She has 6 children she has birthed in a range of settings; hospital, birth centre and home.
(Thursday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Methods for qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) are now well established and decision makers are able to access rigorous QES on issues such as patient experiences of health conditions and interventions,
Methods for qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) are now well established and decision makers are able to access rigorous QES on issues such as patient experiences of health conditions and interventions, and contextual factors influencing intervention implementation. QES often generate theories and explanations about why and how interventions work or do not work as anticipated. By integrating these theories with evidence on intervention effects in a mixed methods synthesis, review teams can offer vital information to support implementation of review findings in practice. However, the diversity of approaches for integrating QES and effectiveness syntheses can make it challenging for reviewers to understand how best to integrate.
This two day interactive workshop delivered by co-convenors of the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group will introduce theory and practical examples of mixed methods synthesis. During group work participants will be encouraged to think reflectively on the strengths and limitations of diverse approaches. Each day will conclude with an open forum to reflect on the day’s activities and discuss issues relating to participants’ own review activity
By the end of this workshop participants will:
Dates: 25th & 26th September
Time: 09:30 – 17:00
Places: 25 available for individuals who are resident in Ireland & Northern Ireland
Pre-requisites: Prior experience of systematic reviews but not necessarily specific experience of qualitative evidence synthesis or mixed methods synthesis
Location: Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Co. Galway
Prices: General €250; Student €140
Target Audience: Systematic review authors, guideline developers, health and social care professionals, academics, researchers, postgraduate students, decision makers, Evidence Synthesis Ireland Fellows and other professionals
Prof. Angela Harden, Professor of Health Sciences, School of Health and Psychological Sciences, Department of Health Services Research and Management, City University of London
Dr. Katy Sutcliffe, Associate Professor, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordination Centre (EPPI Centre), University College London
Prof. James Thomas, Professor of Social Research & Policy, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordination Centre (EPPI Centre), UCL Social Research Unit, University College London
25 (Wednesday) 9:30 am - 26 (Thursday) 5:00 pm Irish Standard Time, UTC +1
Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Co. Galway
october 2024
This workshop will be held over four mornings and provides authors, actively involved in conducting a systematic review, with confidence to assess a wide range of data types. It offers
This workshop will be held over four mornings and provides authors, actively involved in conducting a systematic review, with confidence to assess a wide range of data types. It offers an insight into more complex methods of meta-analysis. This workshop also includes an overview on how to produce a summary of findings table for use in your review.
Date: 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th October 2024
Time: 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Places: 20 places available for individuals who are resident on the island of Ireland
Fee: €150 General & €80 Student
Target audience
Healthcare professionals, academics, researchers, decision makers and Evidence Synthesis Ireland fellows who are actively involved in performing a systematic review.
Participants should at least have completed their review protocol, developed and conducted their search strategy and begun data extraction and analysis.
Health care policy and practice decisions should be based on a synthesis of the global body of evidence rather than relying on individual studies. Cochrane Ireland and Evidence Synthesis Ireland promote evidence based healthcare policy and practice by supporting high quality, relevant systematic reviews and other synthesised research evidence.
This workshop provides authors, actively involved in conducting a systematic review, with confidence to assess a wide range of data types. It offers an insight into more complex methods of meta-analysis.
Learning outcomes
In this course participants will be enabled to:
Teaching strategies
This course consists of online workshops with of a mixture of short presentations, small group activities and practical demonstrations using Cochrane software (RevMan 5.4.1). In addition, participants will have access to Cochrane Interactive Learning modules and will be required to complete a set of modules prior to workshops. Access to the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules will be made available for4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the workshop and will be free of charge thanks to the support of Cochrane Training.
Prof. Valerie Smith, Professor of Midwifery, University College Dublin
Dr Nuala Livingstone, Senior Quality Assurance Editor, Cochrane Editorial & Methods Department
Course content
*If your type of ticket is sold out, please join the waitlist or contact us at esi@universityofgalway.ie
7 (Monday) 10:00 am - 15 (Tuesday) 1:00 pm
To register, click here PRO EDI is an initiative led by Trial Forge, Evidence Synthesis Ireland and the Campbell Collaboration to try and make it easier
To register, click here
PRO EDI is an initiative led by Trial Forge, Evidence Synthesis Ireland and the Campbell Collaboration to try and make it easier for those doing systematic reviews, especially ones including randomised trials, to explicitly consider equity, diversity and inclusion in their reviews. The initiative benefits from an international advisory group to help us make PRO EDI relevant to all reviews, wherever the reviewers may be based in the world, and whatever the topic of the review. In this webinar the development of the PRO EDI tool will be described and the tool itself introduced.
Prof. Shaun Treweek is a health services researcher interested in efficient trial design, particularly around inclusive recruitment and retention and the effective presentation of research evidence. He led the development of the NIHR INCLUDE Ethnicity Framework, a tool to help trialists design inclusive trials, PRO EDI, a tool to help systematic reviewers consider equity in their reviews, and PRECIS-2, a tool to match trial design decisions to what the users of the results need. He leads an initiative called Trial Forge (http://www.trialforge.org) that aims to be more systematic about how we identify, generate and use research evidence in making trial design, conduct, analysis and reporting decisions. Finally, Shaun is an Editor-in-Chief of the journal Trials.
Clarinda Cerejo is a EUPATI-certified Patient Expert and a Stanford-certified Design Thinker. She serves as an India Ambassador for The Sumaira Foundation, a Board Member of the Global Patient Advocacy Coalition, and a Management Committee of the Rare Disease Research Network. She consults various organizations, including the World Health Organization, on patient/stakeholder outreach and engagement. As a Patient Contributor to the Pro-EDI project, Clarinda draws on her lived experience with a rare disease and various comorbidities, her professional background in science communication, and her geographic vantage point living in India to offer a well-rounded perspective. She cares deeply about patient engagement and co-hosts the podcast “Not Just Patients,” through which she aims to amplify the patient voice and break barriers to meaningful patient involvement in healthcare. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarinda-cerejo/
Ioanna Gkertso is a medical student entering her fourth year at King’s College London. She recently completed an intercalated BSc degree in Primary Care and Basic Medical Science, graduating with first-class honors. Throughout her academic journey, Ioanna has shown a strong commitment to both her studies and community. She received a King’s Mentoring Award in recognition of her efforts as a mentor. Over the years, she has devoted her time to guiding aspiring medical students, working with various charities to increase access to medical education. Her passion for medical research is evident through her involvement with the Aortic Dissection Charity, where she serves on the Research Advisory Board. Looking ahead, Ioanna aims to integrate her interests in primary care and medical research, aspiring to make a significant impact on patient care and medical education.
(Thursday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The innovative ESI Fellowships give Fellows the opportunity to learn about evidence synthesis, with hands-on experience of how to plan, design, conduct and report an evidence synthesis. Fellows are placed virtually with world-class evidence synthesis centres and review teams in Ireland and internationally, on policy and practice relevant reviews.
We’re committed to improving how we gather, interpret, and share vast amounts of information, a process known as evidence synthesis. Our approach isn’t just about conducting research; it’s about improving the very methods we use to plan, conduct, and share the results of this process.
We work in many different research areas relevant to evidence synthesis and have a particularly strong focus on rapid reviews, knowledge translation and “studies within a review” (SWARs).
“ Reporting on health care topics can rely too much on asking experts or reporting the results of a single study…what would be much more useful to members of the public, especially when it comes to making decisions about their own health, is for people to understand how to situate health claims in the global body of evidence. “