SyntHesis and Analysis Methods for Reviews Of Qualitative Studies (SHAMROQS) SOLD OUT

30jun10:00 am4:00 pmSyntHesis and Analysis Methods for Reviews Of Qualitative Studies (SHAMROQS) SOLD OUT10:00 am - 4:00 pm ONLINE

Event Details

This one day workshop provides a brief overview of the development and use of three principal methods of qualitative evidence synthesis; thematic synthesis, framework synthesis and meta-ethnography. These three methods are endorsed as the methods of choice by the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Research Group and collectively they represent a versatile toolkit of approaches to handling qualitative data within systematic reviews. This workshop will offer experience of conducting all three approaches and the strengths and weaknesses of each method will be rehearsed and then demonstrated. Key references in methodological development and reporting standards will be explored against a backdrop of Cochrane methodological guidance and alongside exemplars of each type of research output. The workshop will allow participants to shape their own views of what method works best under different circumstances. Brief reference will also be made to applied examples of these methods such as rapid QES and mega-ethnography.

Date: 30th June 2022

Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Places: 30 available for individuals who are resident on the island of Ireland

Skill level: Intermediate

Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, academics, researchers, decision-makers and Evidence Synthesis Ireland fellows who have identified a review topic and are ready to begin working on their protocol.

Prerequisites: Delegates should be familiar with the overall process of systematic review, preferably as it relates to qualitative evidence synthesis.

Teaching strategies: The workshop will consist of a mixture of short presentations, small group and individual exercises. A variety of worksheets and handouts will be provided to encourage practical engagement with learning from the course and further reference to additional resources.

Facilitators: Prof. Andrew Booth, Reader at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield

Andrew Booth is a Professor of Evidence Synthesis at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. He is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group. Andrew is a Chartered Information Professional (UK CILIP) and was awarded the prestigious Cyril Barnard Award for outstanding contribution to health librarianship in 2011. Andrew has been teaching and conducting systematic reviews for over 25 years, latterly specialising in qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) and realist synthesis. He has experience of multiple QES methods including hands-on familiarity with thematic synthesis, framework synthesis and meta-ethnography. Between 2015 and 2021 he has been the world’s most prolific author/co-author of QES methodology and published examples of qualitative evidence synthesis. In 2020 he collaborated with Evidence Synthesis Ireland to support the first ever Cochrane Rapid Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. Andrew’s research focuses on methods of information retrieval and/or qualitative synthesis. He is responsible for many acronyms and mnemonics used in everyday reviewing practice (e.g. SPICE, SPIDER, PerSPE©TiFand RETREAT) and contributes to numerous modules and short courses including his own annual ESQUIRE course on Qualitative Evidence Synthesis.

Course timetable:

10:00  Introductions/Introduction to the Course

10:15  Overview of Qualitative Synthesis

11:00  Introducing Thematic Synthesis

11:15  Break

11:30  Thematic Synthesis Practical

12:15  Lunch

13:00  Introducing Framework Synthesis

13:15   Framework Synthesis Practical

14:00  Introducing Meta-Ethnography

14:15   Meta-Ethnography Practical

15:00  Break

15:15   Choosing Your Method of Synthesis

15:45   Concluding Comments/Questions

16:00  Close


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(Thursday) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Irish Standard Time, UTC +1
