Introduction to Evidence Synthesis (In-person)
Event Details
Date: 12th April 2024 Time: 12:45 – 15:45 Location: Lecture Theatres, Medical & Dental Education & Training (MedEdWest) Altnagelvin Hospital Fee: Free Skill Level: Introductory Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, academics, researchers, decision makers, librarians, information
Event Details
Date: 12th April 2024
Time: 12:45 – 15:45
Location: Lecture Theatres, Medical & Dental Education & Training (MedEdWest) Altnagelvin Hospital
Fee: Free
Skill Level: Introductory
Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, academics, researchers, decision makers, librarians, information specialists, and Evidence Synthesis Ireland fellows and teaching faculty who would like to learn more about systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses
Health care policy and practice decisions should be based on a synthesis of the global body of evidence rather than relying on individual studies. High quality, relevant systematic reviews and other synthesised research evidence are fundamental to evidence-based healthcare policy and practice.
This workshop introduces systematic reviews and describes why they are an important source of evidence. The focus of the workshop will be on outlining the process of designing a systematic review and the steps in conducting a systematic review.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this workshop, participants will:
• Understand what systematic reviews are and why they are important
• Be able to identify the elements of a well-defined question for a systematic review
• Understand the steps of a systematic review
Teaching Strategies:
The workshop will consist of a mixture of short presentations and question and answer sessions.
Prof. Bronagh Blackwood
Chair in Critical Care and NI lead for Evidence Synthesis Ireland
Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Jennifer McGaughey
Affiliate to ESI
Additional Information
Click hereRegistration
Click hereTime
(Friday) 12:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Lecture Theatre, Medical & Dental Education & Training (MedEdWest), Altnagelvin Hospital, Co. Derry
Altnaglevin Hospital, Glenshane Rd, BT47 6SB