Webinar Recordings

Embedding Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in medical education evidence synthesis

This webinar focused on patient and public involvement (PPI) in evidence synthesis. The presenters shared two recent examples of medical education reviews involving academic and PPI collaborators within the review process. The first study explored how patients and public are involved in remote teaching clinical interactions. The presenters included reflections of a PPI contributor about being involved in the review process. The second study pioneered a new approach to analysis: embedding patient and student user perspectives into the analysis of an evidence synthesis. The final section of the webinar was a space for discussion, to share some of the challenges and opportunities to embedding patients and public in the design, delivery and research of medical education.

Sophie Park is Professor of Primary Care and Medical Education. She is a GP and Director of Medical Education (Primary Care and Community) at UCL Medical School. Her research explores patient involvement in general practice medical education, and how the organization of primary care impacts on patient experience. Sophie has worked to increase patient involvement in medical education research: both as the focus of enquiry (exploring patient perspectives and outcomes) and collaboration with patients (PPI) during the research process. She will discuss one example today during this seminar, with the development of patient and student responses to an evidence synthesis.

Dr Sadie Lawes-Wickwar is a Health Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Sadie is an academic based at UCL in the Department of Primary Care and Population Health (PCPH), where she leads several MBBS modules focused on community healthcare, health inequalities, living with long-term conditions, and substance misuse. Sadie is the Lead for the Primary Care Medical Education Expert by Experience Group at UCL. Sadie’s research interests include the evaluation of health services and public health interventions, patient and public involvement (PPI) in medical education, and health behaviour. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sadie joined volunteering efforts to support public health responses and policy, including as a researcher for the Health Psychology Exchange and as a Summary Writer for Evidence Aid. Sadie uses a variety of research methods including qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, and evidence synthesis.

Julia Hamer-Hunt is a PPI evidence synthesis contributor from the NIHR School of Primary Care Research (SPCR) Evidence Synthesis Working Group (ESWG). She has papers published in the BMJ and accepted by BEME. She is a member of Study Steering Committee for an NIHR HS & DR evidence synthesis and stakeholder consultation project (Univ. of Manchester). Julia is also on the Ethics Committee for IM2PACT; NIHR ARC Board for TV & Oxford; and the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) Steering Committee. She is also the Patient co-Chair of the OH BRC Patient and Research (PAR) Group and Hon. Member of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford.