Webinar Recordings

Developing conceptual models through QES

Presented By: Prof. Ruth Garside

Qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) is now established as a core component of evidence-based practice, as a standalone review or in combination with a quantitative systematic review. QES can contribute understandings about important aspects of context, impact and implementation that may affect intervention success. It can also help to articulate deeper understandings of the experiences, perceptions and opinions of people affected by a condition or intervention and of those that deliver interventions. One possible output of a QES or mixed methods synthesis is to inform a logic model or other conceptual framework. In this webinar, Prof Ruth Garside will describe the different types of output that may be generated, and give examples of how these have been produced and expressed.

Prof Ruth Garside is Associate Professor in Evidence Synthesis at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health part of the University of Exeter Medical School. She is a social science researcher with over 20 years’ experience using systematic review and evidence synthesis of quantitative and qualitative research methods to investigate a range of health and social care questions. Her work has informed policy customers including WHO, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Home Office. She a particular interest in methods of synthesis for qualitative research.
Ruth is Co-Chair of the Methods Group for Campbell Collaboration, Exeter lead for the UK Centre of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence, and Convenor for the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods group. She is also a core member of GRADE-CERQual, developing approaches to help researchers and policy makers assess the confidence to place in the findings of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis.

Link to slides here