Webinar Recordings

Informing policy using mixed methods evidence reviews – Case studies from the HRB Evidence Centre

In this webinar, speakers from the HRB Evidence Centre described their approach to conducting mixed methods evidence reviews using two case studies. They focused on how they designed mixed methods search strategies, their use of machine learning via text mining for screening, and how they analysed and integrated qualitative and quantitative findings. The HRB Evidence Centre conducts evidence syntheses commissioned by the Department of Health to inform health policy.

Speakers included:

– Louise Farragher, Senior Information Specialist, HRB Evidence Centre:

Louise Farragher is an information specialist in the Health Research Board’s Evidence Centre. In the
Evidence Centre, she leads a team of information specialists who work with researchers to design and
implement appropriate search strategies to find published and grey literature evidence for evidence
reviews of complex policy questions.

– Joan Quigley, Research Officer, HRB Evidence Centre:

Joan Quigley is a Research Officer in the Health Research Board’s Evidence Centre. In the Evidence
Centre she leads systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Previously, she worked as a health technology assessment consultant for UK and global pharmaceutical companies.

– Camille Coyle, Research Officer, HRB Evidence Centre:

Dr. Camille Coyle is a Research Officer in the Health Research Board’s Evidence Centre and an Adjunct
Associate Professor in Trinity College Dublin’s Centre for Global Health. In the Evidence Centre, she
leads systematic reviews, and in the Centre for Global Health she teaches qualitative research methods and supervises dissertations. Previously, she worked as a health research consultant for various UN agencies and non-governmental organisations.


PDF of Webinar Slides: esi-webinar-hrb-mixed-methods-reviews