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Webinar: ESI Fellowship Scheme

Dr Aoife Egan works as a fellow in endocrinology at the Mayo Clinic Rochester where she has clinical, research and teaching responsibilities. Dr Egan became an Evidence Synthesis Ireland Fellow in 2018 and was hosted by Dr Andrea Tricco and the Knowledge Synthesis team in the Knowledge Translation Program of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. As part of this experience, she completed an online learning module on systematic review methodology and participated in a rapid systematic review commissioned by Diabetes Canada. The review was entitled “The effects of recreational cannabis use on people with diabetes: a rapid systematic review”.

In this webinar, Dr Egan reviewed her experience of the Evidence Synthesis Ireland Fellowship Scheme. Points of discussion included the evidence synthesis experience, research output, use of the bursary, mentorship and networking opportunities.

Date & Time:
 21/11/19 @ 12.00-13.00
Presenter: Dr Aoife Egan