Priority III Question 12


What are the best approaches for determining the inclusion and exclusion criteria for a rapid review, and what is the impact of the various restrictions that may be applied (e.g., requiring ethical approval and any restrictions which may limit the inclusion of underserved groups)?

  • “The clearer one is on the exclusion/inclusion criteria, the smoother this phase goes”
  • “As a part of study inclusion criteria, reviewers should ensure each data source confirms receipt of study ethical approval.  Ethical approval is often not sought or obtained in medical research performed world-wide, and the results of rapid reviews should be based on studies which had ethical approval”
  • “Decisions on inclusion and exclusion criteria should be required to report on domains of the Equal Status Act – so to show how the review has taken into account issues of gender, ethnicity etc. For example, while gender may not be an explicit exclusion criterion, most clinical studies include male healthy subjects”