Evidence Synthesis Ireland

Professor Fidelma Dunne

Professor Fidelma Dunne
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Living Systematic Review In Diabetes Quality Improvement

Fidelma Dunne is a Professor in Medicine at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) and a Consultant Endocrinologist at Galway University Hospitals group. She obtained her medical degree from NUI Galway, MD from UCC, PhD from the University of Birmingham UK, Masters in Medical Education from the University of Dundee Scotland and Masters in Clinical Research from NUI Galway. She was the Foundation Head of the School of Medicine (2009-2013), is Associate Director of the Clinical Research Facility at NUI Galway and is currently an executive board member of the Irish Medical Council (IMC) (2013-present). Professor Dunne is a member of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (DPSG) of the EASD and is the current President of the International Association Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) 2016-2021. She was a Fulbright scholar for 2014-2015 at Columbia University New York and is an adjunct professor to the Steno Diabetes Research Centre in Odense, Denmark (2020-2025).

Her major research interest is in the area of pregnancy and diabetes with >220 peer review publications, 8,900 citations and H index of 49 with >15m euro in grant funding. Recently she has been the Irish lead for a pan European cohort study examining pregnancy outcomes of women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes (EVOLVE) and the EXPECT study examining Degludec (Tresiba) insulin in women with Type 1 Diabetes in pregnancy, both sponsored by NovoNordisk. Finally, she is working with colleagues in the INSPIRED group on developing Core Outcome Sets (COSs) for use in Diabetes in Pregnancy.