Evidence Synthesis Ireland

Dr Orlagh O’Shea

Dr Orlagh O’Shea
Cochrane Airways

Regular Treatment With Formoterol And An Inhaled Corticosteroid Versus Regular Treatment With Salmeterol And An Inhaled Corticosteroid For Chronic Asthma: Serious Adverse Events

Dr Orlagh O’Shea is a lecturer in the School of Physiotherapy in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Orlagh is a chartered physiotherapist and co-editor of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists journal: Physiotherapy Practice and Research. Orlagh has a specific interest in respiratory care, her PhD explored the feasibility and fidelity of a physical activity intervention for people with COPD. She then spent some time working in the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network, respiratory division, coordinating research trials involving cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis patients. Orlagh is now the module coordinator for the respiratory and cardiovascular modules in the School of Physiotherapy. Orlagh is excited to enhance her skills and knowledge of evidence synthesis and the optimal management of asthma.