Evidence Synthesis Ireland

Dr. Elayne Ahern

Dr. Elayne Ahern
Campbell UK & Ireland

Review: Home visiting for socially disadvantaged mothers; and Alternative therapies for children and young people with behavioural and emotional problems

Dr. Elayne Ahern is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick. Her research is directed towards the enhancement of mental healthcare by incorporating neuro- and/or social psychological perspectives into prevention and recovery efforts. Related work has involved treatment cost-effectiveness, predominantly in evidence synthesis. Elayne was awarded an interfaculty Ph.D. in psychology with health economics at the University of Limerick in December 2020. Her doctoral research, funded under the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme, investigated the clinical and cost-effectiveness of neurocognitively-enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for depression, utilising a range of research methods including evidence synthesis and trial-based intervention work. Elayne has collaborated as a visiting researcher at Dr. Dominic Trépel’s health economics lab in the Global Brain Health Institute, Trinity College Dublin. Here, she assisted the completion of evidence synthesis work on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of neurorehabilitation for acquired brain injury. Currently, Elayne is a member of the GroWTH lab in the Department of Psychology where she engages in research as part of the ERC-funded project awarded to Professor Orla Muldoon on social identity and trauma.