Evidence Synthesis Ireland

Dr Clare Reynolds

Dr Clare Reynolds
Cochrane Skin

Topical Anti-Inflammatory Treatments For Atopic Eczema: A Network Meta-Analysis

Clare Reynolds is an Assistant Professor at the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin. She was awarded a PhD from the School of Public Health, UCD in 2009. Prior to returning to UCD, Clare worked as a Research Fellow at the Liggins Institute, University of Auckland. Clare’s current research centres on the identification of molecular targets which influence early life risk factors for obesity in offspring born to parents who are obese or consume a Westernized diet. Her research incorporates dietary and exercise-based intervention strategies during critical early life time-points (pregnancy, lactation and infancy) to examine the potential for reversal of negative health implications in the offspring. Recent work has examined the role of maternal diet on offspring skin wound healing ability. These research themes are addressed using small animal models of diet-induced metabolic dysregulation accompanied by immunological, biochemical and molecular methodologies along with birth cohort data to investigate the relationships between parental BMI/diet and childhood health. Clare coordinates and lectures on several modules within the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, UCD. Clare is excited about expanding her skills and knowledge of skin disorders and the methodologies around evidence synthesis during this fellowship.