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Cancelled – Cochrane Ireland and Cochrane UK Symposium 2020

With great regret and disappointment, we have decided that the joint Cochrane Ireland and Cochrane UK Symposium 2020 will not go ahead as scheduled in Dublin on 21-22 April.  The training day for Managing Editors and Information Specialists on 20th April is also cancelled.  We will be sending a separate communication to those who have registered for this event.

Our key concern is the health and wellbeing of those involved in the conference including delegates, speakers, organisers, staff at The Gibson, as well as the potential impact on national and international public health and healthcare systems. We therefore have a responsibility to avoid any action that might contribute to the worsening of the local situation or the situation in areas to which conference delegates would be returning.

We will continue to review potential alternatives, such as rescheduling or virtual options at a later date. We are very keen for there to be a joint Cochrane Ireland and Cochrane UK Symposium when we can be reasonably certain that the public health emergency has passed. We will update you in due course about any potential updates.

All registration fees will be refunded via Eventbrite. While we will not be able to cover the costs of cancelled flights or accommodation bookings for delegates, we would suggest you contact your airlines and accommodation and to seek the best course of action.

Thank you all very much for your patience. We hope that you and your families and colleagues are staying well and safe at this time. With support, friendship and a sense of community we will all help each other through this difficult time.

Thank you,

Cochrane Ireland, Cochrane UK and Evidence Synthesis Ireland